Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting Started

An old high school friend that I reconnected with at our 20th high school reunion (or was it Facebook) posts her blog on FB all the time. I began reading her blogs and thinking about the old days when I was young and loved to write for hours on end, trying to capture every moment of the day in my diary. I couldn't just write about the "gist" of things, I had to write about every little detail. How else could I "relive the moment" years from now without all the details in place? Details about each new crush and the excitement of the first time a love interest showed an inkling of interest in me? Details about the pain of parents' divorcing (though the details were not for the sake of reliving the moment years later, but rather self-therapy for a traumatized little girl.) The problem is, writing all the details (instead of the gist) takes time.

As I got older, I got "busier" time for details. At first I think I got "too busy to write" because I had an insanely jealous boyfriend who would read my diary, and I stopped writing "honestly" for fear of probing eyes. If I didn't have the freedom to write my true feelings, what was the point? So I stopped writing.

Fast-forward 10 years, and I am ready to start writing again. Although blogging is definitely a different writing arena, I'm going to take a stab at it. I have done so many cool things in my life that I wished I would have journaled about (traveling to France, England, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Monaco, packing up and moving to Nashville, packing up and moving to Japan, packing up and moving back to Michigan, buying my first home...all my big life adventures as a single young lady.) All the details of my past lives, floating out there somewhere in space, never to be recaptured or fully appreciated. Sad. So I'm going to try this little blogging gig, and see if we can get the old ball (point-pen) rollin' again :)  I shall blog for an audience of one, and enjoy every second of it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're sharing...we'll keep each other motivated!
