Friday, March 18, 2011

Letters from Japan: 10/1/2002 "Hazed and Confused"

Hey kids,

This will be fast because there is too much to write about, I will need to write on my day off (if I don't go to Kamakura). Also, there is a typhoon coming. It is the biggest one to hit Japan since WWII. So my student warned me that if I leave the internet cafe at 10:00pm, I will "fry." What he meant is that I will "fly" because the winds are so strong that I will be blown away. Anyway, my "romantic" trip with Michael to Hakone was a bust. I will write in detail later but let me just say that the fog was so thick during our "sight-seeing tour" that I might as well have had cataracts. Just imagine the recorded voice of a tour guide saying, "And to your left is the majestical Mt. Fuji..." and I look to my left and all I can see is pure white virgin freshness (see previous e-mails for explanation) and maybe some Pringle crumbs on Michael's lower lip. So we had a recording of all the things we COULD be seeing IF it weren't for the fog. The ENTIRE sight-seeing tour was spent hopping from one mode of transportation to the next, traveling through a dense white cloud. I have decided that heaven might not be that cool of a place after all. It was so ridiculous, it was one of those times that I wished my mom and sister were there because we would have gotten the serious pee-your-pants laughs over the ridiculousness of it all.

Anyway, I will write more later about our adventures but that was the gist of our trip to Hakone. Write soon.

Love me
(This picture gives you a little flavor of our "sight-seeing" adventure)

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