Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letters from Japan 9/18/02 "Drunken Poets Corner"

Once again I have nothing to share with you but I mistakenly came into work 3 hours early so I decided to trek it over to the internet cafe to to entertain myself. Speaking of trekking, that reminds me of a student who said she liked to go "tricking" on the weekends. We had to put a stop to that mispronunciation FAST! Try explaining prostitution to someone who does not speak your language. This job teaches you creativity if nothing else.

Speaking of creativity, part of my job requires that I write 8 sentence dialogues for the students to practice conversation. I usually use names like Bob and Anne and other simple American names in the dialogue. Well, one day, I decided to use Japanese names so that they did not get confused (sometimes, they don't realize that an American name is a name and not a word). I was just starting at Nova at this point in time so I was unfamiliar with Japanese names, so I made one up that SOUNDED Japanese...Yasu. So I had them practice the dialogue using the name Yasu. There is no funny ending to this, just that they snickered when I said the name and I stopped and thought to myself...What if "Yasu" means asshole or something in Japanese and I have my students practicing dialogue calling each other asshole? "Hello Asshole, how are you today?" So I decided that making up Japanese names was not a safe practice and I went back to Bob and Anne.

OK, I have to share some co-worker humor. I told you that the guys I work with are characters. Well, they started a wall of poetry at work and there are a couple Haikus up there along with other kinds of poems. Pete wrote one that cracked me up. Pete is this skinny British guy with quick wit. His haiku was...

Writing a poem

In seventeen syllables

Is very diffic-

I haven't written a poem for the wall yet (although I have been strongly encouraged to make my contribution...) The pressure it TOO MUCH! Most of the poems are written about co-workers and they are usually sarcastic. Mine will have to be carefully crafted...

Another quick, funny story (although it might be one of those you-had-to-be-there- stories...) There are two Nova schools that I teach at. There is one on the north side of the railroad tracks and one on the south side. On the weekends, I work on the south side. This weekend, Dave and I were the only teachers at the south side. He had been out drinking late with the guys the night before (Friday night is guys night out) so Dave wasn't feeling too hot but he was his usual goofy self (he is the crazy redhead from Canada). Anyway, he came back into the teachers' area after his 3rd class of the day and said, "That had to be the WORST class I have EVER taught." I asked him what happened and he said, "They wouldn't talk, they just sat there and looked at me. They didn't want to participate. The one girl didn't say one word the entire time until the end of class when she looked at me and said, "Have you been drinking?" I just about died laughing. You had to be there. It was funny.

Anyway, I have to go because my hour is up and I am CHEAP!

Write soon, love me

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