Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Letters from Japan: 9/25/2002 "See No Evil"

Hi Kids,

I came to the internet cafe tonight for one reason and one reason only, to find out info on my return flight and of course the woman hasn't gotten back with me so I am not a Happy-Jap. She has been e-mailing me every day for the past few days and the ONE day I do not feel up to being here, she doesn't e-mail me! I should be flying home in November. I gave my 30 day notice today. I guess that is my big news of the day.

Kazuko had a class with me today. She is the old blind woman who wanted to have me and Michael over for dinner. Instead, she and her husband are going to take me out to eat in 2 weeks. They are going to take me to some tempura place on the 12th floor of some building a few cities away. If you never hear from me again, I have been abducted and sold into sex-slavery. Just thought I should give you a heads-up. I say this because she said something odd to me when we were talking about
where to meet. She said something like, "Look beautiful." Why would she care what I look like unless she wants me to be eye-candy for her husband? Maybe she means that I should dress nice for the place they are taking me. Who knows, I just thought that was strange but she is a sweet old woman. Sometimes when Japanese people say things, they don't mean exactly what they say, but it is the best words they know to communicate with. Did that make sense? I think that was a very poorly constructed sentence but I don't feel like rewriting it because I am sick and have no patience tonight.

In other news, Paul and I may go to Kamakura tomorrow and go into big Buddha's belly and see old Japanese temples. But he is broke and I am sick so we may pass on that outing. I need to explore more before I leave but it's not much fun alone, especially when you get lost. Paul can speak Japanese so it is handy having him around.

I guess that is the latest. Now I will sit and wait for my mother's frantic e-mail about the million evil intentions Kazuko may have and how I had better do a background check on her before I get into a car with her. Love you, ma.

Write soon,


(Me, Kazuko, and her husband)

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