Monday, March 7, 2011

Letters From Japan Sept 13, 2002 "Charlotte's Wicked Web"

Hi all,

Yes, can you believe...2 E-MAILS IN A ROW!!!! I was about to give up on this place because the air wasn't on but then something kicked in and air was a-plenty! I left you hangin' with that Evil English chick story so I figured I would finish that story up with you right now...

Ok, so I start my job as the new chick and try to be friendly to everyone (which isn't hard at first because everyone is really cool). Well, apparently I hadn't met this one chick because she was on vacation. Now James gave me a bit of a heads-up by telling me that Charlotte is Charlotte and there is no other way to explain her. I would just have to wait and meet her for myself.

Well, that day finally comes after I had been working for about a week. I introduced myself and she seemed all right. But that was just the first few seconds of meeting her. Each day after that, whenever I would say hi and try to talk to her, I was getting a bad vibe. If she was reading the newspaper, I figured, Oh, she's just really into what she is reading, don't take it personally. But as soon as the guys would come into the room, she would come to life with all sorts of teasing and joking (although it was never light-hearted, she tries to sound clever and sarcastic). So at this point, I think, OK she just craves male attention (the psychologist in me is always analyzing people) and she may feel threatened by me because I am female and may take away from her all the attention she is used to getting (there are only a couple girls at my school and about 15 guys). So I figure she just is not interested in being friends with me. That is fine, I am a bit hurt, but that is ok. Well, a few of the guys announce that the following Sunday, we are all going to go out to welcome the new people (me and Paul).

We all have to work Sunday but I have to work at a different school that day on the other side of the railroad tracks. So after I am done with work, I go over to my usual school and wait for Dave to finish teaching so I can go with him to this Family restaurant because I have no clue how to get there. Dave is this crazy red-head from Canada. He is really cool. SO I sit and listen to him finish up his lesson in the other room which sounds like this...

"Ok, so for next time, if you get a chance to go cow-tipping, bring in a picture and I will give you 50 points. And remember what I taught you about transvestites."

So Dave comes into the teachers' room and I ask him about this point system he has made up. He tells his students that they can get a free tee-shirt if they get 1000 points (mind you, there are no tee-shirts). But Dave is a nut so he amuses himself (as well as others) with his crazy antics. You never know when to laugh at him and when to take him seriously (and just think about his poor students...). I guess after you have been here for a while, you kinda make up your own rules.

OK, that was a tangent, but it made me laugh so I had to share it with you. So we meet some people out by the fountain in Chofu park and catch the train to this city with the family restaurant. Charlotte is already there with James and they have had a few drinks. Charlotte keeps bitching that she can't catch a buzz. Somehow I get stuck sitting next to her and it ain't long before she is trying to make me feel stupid. She would put in a few nasty jabs here and there and I would try to laugh it off like she didn't bother me. Then somehow we get on the topic of accents and I said that I can't differentiate between Australian and English accents and Charlotte took that and ran..."YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN ACCENTS?! THAT'S WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AMERICANS, YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELVES!!!!" I looked across the table at Dave and said, "Oh great, am I gonna have to sit next to her and listen to this shit all night about Americans?" The guys were like, "WOOOH, we are staying out of this!" Charlotte shut up after I said that because what I have discovered is that she is a bully and just like any bully, she will bully you as long as she thinks you are scared. Since i had SEEMED so meek and mild mannered at work, I think she thought she was going to be a bitch to me and get away with it. She is this rat-faced red-head with goloptic freckles and she dresses like a 13 year old prostitute in black mini-skirts and pink PowerPuff Girl tee-shirts...SHE WEARS THIS SHIT TO WORK! All the guys come in to work with suits and ties and she dresses like THAT!

So anyway, then instead of continuing on her AMERICANS SUCK rampage, she tries to drag the guys in by saying that they hate Americans, too. That is when they said they were not getting into it and they never said anything like that. Paul came and sat on the other side of me a little later (he missed the whole Americans suck thing) and of course, I can't let it go because I am pissed so when he asked me something, I said, "What do we know. We are just two stupid self-centered Americans." You know me, I had to say that a couple times throughout the night just to let her know that I was pissed and not going to be bullied. She never said another word to me.

So my boss gets there later and I let him know that there is some friction there. Apparently he doesn't care for Charlotte either but I figured this out later when we were leaving. It was me, my boss, and his friend and as we were getting up to go, his friend picks up a Polaroid camera and says someone has forgotten their camera. He hands it to my boss (John, he's English like Charlotte) and I tell them that its Charlotte's camera. So John puts it back on the table and says that Charlotte can come back for it another day. And we leave. HA!

So that is my story and I know I sound evil in it, too, but I was so caught off guard by her meanness that once I got my bearings, the gloves were off! Fortunately, she has not been teaching at my school for this past week so I have not had to control myself around her. I'm sure that that saga will continue, though, and you will hear my rantings about it. I get myself so fired up!

OK, I was going to tell you some other stuff but I think I have prattled on for too long so I will save it for another day. Feel free to e-mail me EVERY DAY!


Me and the lovely Miss Charlotte (you can tell by the expression on my face that she has already gone off about Americans)

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